Monday, November 7, 2011

Tips on Sporting Fake Marc Jacobs Handbags

  The popularity of Marc Jacobs’s handbags is a factor to successful hard work and a lot of input by the designers. However, some people have gone ahead to imitate these handbags in order to benefit from the popularity the brand has in the market. Nevertheless, with attention, it is replica chloe handbags possible to avoid losing money to non-genuine sellers. As a buyer, ensuring that you buy a genuine handbag is important because it assures the quality promised by the manufacturer.

   Most of the non-genuine manufacturers or manufacturers of fake handbags, like any other items, are not concerned with whether you will complain that the commodity did not serve you according to expectations, because they consider that the manufacturer (whose brand name they are riding on) will take all the blame. This is not the case because once dior replica handbags customers complain to the genuine seller/manufacturer, efforts may be made to convince the customer that they did not buy genuine item. Once the purchase is made, the buyer may have nobody to complain to and he/she may have just lost the money.

   Therefore, it is advisable that customers spend their time identifying whether the handbag offered is genuine or fake. The good thing is that genuine products from Marc Jacobs can be identified with their special features. For those customers who do not have experience in dior replica handbags  buying genuine Marc Jacobs’s handbags and therefore it may be difficult to differentiate fake item from genuine item, it is recommended to look out for the following features; - Counterfeit Marc Jacobs’s handbags have blank zippers unlike genuine ones, which have RIRI or Lampo zippers.

   Although other manufacturers may have RiRi or Lampo zippers making it difficult to identify genuine Marc Jacobs’s handbags, ensure that the zippers have round heads and don’t come to a ‘point’. - Genuine RiRi zippers have their i’s looking like a slash and not of regular shape. The bottom edge is not curved for genuine RiRi zippers. The i is also not curved. - Check if the RiRi zipper has a specification of its size. This happens for genuine RiRi zippers. For instance, M8 is added on the word RiRi if the size is the large one. - Ensure that the zipper is attached on the side facing the inside of the handbag.

   Each of the RiRi zippers have 5 riri stamps on them on both sides of the end hooked into the zipper pull. - Although some Marc Jacobs’s handbags do not use Lampo zippers, some zippers have the word lampo on them, and underneath this word is a lightening bolt. - Marc Jacobs puts a logo on the zippers pull attached to the handbags. A customer can check on the thickest part of the zipper to see if there is Marc Jacobs logo on it. 


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